We often perceive ourselves as partners in harmony with nature, responsibly stewarding the land and its resources. However, a more accurate perspective is to view ourselves as inseparable components of nature, intricately woven into its cyclic patterns and infinite complexities. This deep interconnection between humanity and nature manifests in various aspects of our lives, particularly in relation to our food and health.

The concept of seasonality plays a profound role in our lives, far greater than we typically acknowledge. Beyond the obvious influence on food availability, our well-being and health also exhibit seasonal characteristics. It extends beyond the flu during winter or allergies in spring; our overall functionality, emotional state, taste preferences, cravings, and even modes of self-expression are intimately linked to the changing seasons.

For example, if you reside in the Northern Hemisphere, the arrival of spring and summer may evoke a strong desire for self-expression, embracing the warmth, and engaging in outdoor activities such as barbecuing. Simultaneously, in the Southern Hemisphere, autumn and winter set in, prompting a natural inclination to prepare for winter, gather resources, and enhance productivity. Even if you live near the equator, you may experience subtle shifts in climate and their associated effects.

This constant ebb and flow of seasonal transitions, combined with varying stress levels and lifestyle habits, can lead to common health issues such as dry throat, thirst, and cough. While these problems may seem insignificant, they serve as indications of how our bodies strive to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

To alleviate such issues and facilitate smoother transitions between seasons, here's a suggestion for a drink that can be beneficial during these dynamic changes. This beverage not only nourishes and hydrates your body but also seeks to harmonize with the natural rhythms, strengthening our inherent connection to the world around us.

Ultimately, comprehending our intrinsic bond with nature's cycles empowers us to lead healthier and more fulfilling lives. Let us wholeheartedly embrace the seasonality of our existence, recognizing that we are not mere partners but integral, influential parts of nature itself.

We usually don’t recommend on consuming leftover, however, it’s understandable that we’re all busy urban families. In this case, a properly sealed jars/bottle with a functioning fridge can help the drink last for few more days.
  • 2 whole Fresh Pears (or 4 - 5 slices Dried Pear)
  • 3 g Coix Seeds
  • 9g Dried bamboo Leaves
  • a dash Monk Fruit Extract or Honey
  • 1.5 L Water
  • 15 g Dried Reed Rhizome can be added if you experience more body heat, dried mouth, fever, or over consumption of fried, baked, or barbecued food.
  1. Rinse and wash Pears and dried bamboo leaves
  2. Place all ingredients (except Monk Fruit Extract or Honey) into a pot
  3. Bring to a boil for 10 mins
  4. Simmer for an hour
  5. Add Monk Fruit or Honey and stir well
  6. Serve hot or cold (up to your preference but recommend room temperature to luke warm serves better to your stomach)
  1. Since my body type doesn’t do well with all cooling ingredients, I love to pour this drink to rose petal while it’s hot so that I add some warming flowers in order to make infusion
  2. For kids or whom loves eating jelly, it’s great to add in gelatin powder and turn it into a cooling snack, especially great to serve on the table during barbecue.


Please consult with your physician, Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner, or Registered Herbalist for consultation if you’re pregnant or unsure if the drink is suitable for your body constitution.


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