Recently, many friends and families have shared concerns about managing time and opportunities. Some may have the responsibility of caring for elders or raising children, while others need to align themselves with the rapidly evolving era, investing a significant amount of energy and time. But what is time, and what is the right moment? From primitive humans, Laozi, to modern figures like Picasso and Einstein, there has been a continuous effort to understand the complexity of time and space.


For a long time, time has been seen as a concept. Ancient civilizations developed complex systems like clocks and calendars based on observations of day and night, seasons, and celestial bodies, transforming time from a concept into a theory. With the concept of "time," there emerged the notions of "position" and "space," along with the existence of "matter" and "opportunity." In this sense, the theory of time is about integrating concepts into tangible life.


Time, calendars, and seasons are perceived as cycles collectively, and various cultures have created their own ways of calculating and using cycles based on regional observations, beliefs, and interpretations.


For example, in Chinese culture, the concepts of 24 solar terms and 12 two-hour-periods reflect a unique perspective on time, influencing meridian channels and different parts of the body.


In human biology, women not only experience shared time and seasonal cycles but also have personal menstrual cycles.


Bio-Architect Neri Oxman has created Kreb Cycle of Creativity, intertwining time and creativity as a cyclical system.

而生物建築師Neri Oxman亦創造了「時鐘」系統 (Kreb Cycle of Creativity),將時間和創造力交織在一起,作為一個一分為四、四為合一的一個時間循環系統。

Taking a step back, the proximity of birth and death starts within the mother's womb. From ages 0 to 30, one learns to crawl; from 30 to 60, one learns to walk; after 60, one begins to understand life, then enters another phase of the cycle. However, some age gracefully, others age early; some grasp the essence of life like immortals early on, while others only realize it in their silver years. Each person's experiences, success, lessons, aging process, awakening, and letting go occur at different speeds, resulting in unique timelines for life.


Whether ancient or modern, most people share the same 24 hours every day. However, understanding one's personal time is essential to seizing opportunities. Rather than living in others' lives and spending time on comparisons, envy, or jealousy, investing in understanding and mastering our own or our kids timeline will enrich and elevate the quality of life in the right timing.


Cover Photo : Brigitte Tohm / Unsplash


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